Areas of Specialization
Since 1974, Simpson Weather Associates (SWA) has specialized in weather-related environmental problems. SWA is located in Charlottesville, Virginia and is comprised of scientists and engineers working on efforts ranging from industrial fugitive dust mitigation and monitoring to airborne wind lidar measurements and model input. SWA’s experience with experiment design, prototype hardware development, traditional hardware integration, field studies, data analysis, and model allow SWA to provide a unique, full service, and cost effective response to environmental problems.

The Environmental Laser Division (ELD) offers expertise in developing data analysis packages and simulation models for space-based and airborne Doppler lidar wind measuring systems. The integration of the lidar technology with SWA’s capabilities in atmospheric research the ELD a unique resource to public and private sector groups interested and atmospheric physics and lidar wind measurements.

The Environment & Energy Division (EED) provides innovative and customized solutions to industrial fugitive dust problems while keeping to its meteorological roots. Site-specific and cost-effective solutions are provided for dust mitigation, air monitoring, air permitting, and weather forecasting. Recent developments is technology have allowed for the expansion of EED efforts into integration of laser scanning technology for various industries.